7,000 USD ~ 8,000 USDHanoi3个月以上前概述
7,000 USD ~ 8,000 USD
Intermediate Level
※ 家族帯同の場合は面接時に交渉可能
08:00 ~ 17:00
Customer support cum Sales staff (Hanoi/N2)ID:25684
24,000,000 VND ~ 27,000,000 VNDHanoi职业类别
Sales Corporate, Customer Support
One of our clients, which is a consulting company, is looking for a Customer support cum Sales staff (Hanoi/N2)【Job detail】1, Customer Support- Initially, customer support will be handled from HCM, but after training, the candidate will take over support for customers in Hanoi- Handling customers visiting the office for card payments2, Sales Activities- Assisting in car rental sales with the Japanese branch manager3, Driver and Company Car Arrangement- Giving instructions to drivers in Hanoi- Managing company vehicle arrangements【Attractive points】- Develop the ability to propose ideas, strengthening your skills.- You can utilize your language skills.
- Social insurance
- Parking allowance
- Cellphone allowance (work-related mobile phone expenses)
- Tet bonus 1 month of basic salary: Provided once per year after one year of employment
- PC will be provided【日系大手商社】法人営業職(ハノイ勤務/駐在員切り替え可能/語学不問)ID:25678
39,079,000 VND ~ 45,104,000 VNDHanoi职业类别
Other, Sales Corporate
【求人概要】日系大手商社にて、ベトナムの日系企業に対し自社取扱製品の販売活動を行う営業職を募集しております。【業務内容】・営業比率は新規営業が70%、既存営業が30%程度です。・お電話やメール、顧客訪問を通して、新規顧客に対し製品提案をしていただきます。 ※ 新規開拓営業のリソースは会社で用意しておりますので、ご安心ください。・企業訪問は週で約10~11件程になります(一日に2~3件程度)・訪問先はほとんどが日系企業です・既に約250-300社程、既存顧客があり、来期は500既存顧客を目指しております。・銀行、工場、その他オフィスと幅広く提案を行っていただきます。・案件は数10万円のものから2,000~3,000万円のものまでさまざまです。 例)工場全体のLED設備の売り上げ等は大型の受注となります・残業はあっても1日1時間程度、営業ノルマはありません。■会社/求人の魅力について・日本本社は上場企業ですので、安定した基盤でお勤めいただけます。・扱う商材は年々需要がベトナムで高まりつつある商材ですので、将来的な可能性のあるビジネスにご参画いただけます!・インセンティブが充実しており、頑張った分だけ収入に反映されます!・年間休日は日本の休日数に合わせて支給されます!・他の海外拠点への異動もあり、グローバルにご活躍されたい方にお勧めの求人です!
・渡航費用負担Sales Staff (Chinese speaking/Hanoi/Construction)ID:21600
20,000,000 VND ~ 25,000,000 VNDHanoi职业类别
Sales Corporate
1. List up about name and person in charge, PIC, of IP / IZ, and consultant company. ( Japanese staff takes care of IP / IZ with Jpn PIC, TLIP, VSIP, Ba Thien 2, Dong Van III directly, but local staff also have contact with these IP/IZ in parallel. 2. Acquisition of tendency / information about companies with visiting IP / IZ.3. Acquisition of information, minimum once a month” visiting is major activity, but sometimes possible to use Tel / mail.4. List up about existing foreign companies, not only Japanese stand companies, but also European, Asian, American companies. List will be categorized by types of business, and/or location. - Introduce NV to Japanese representative person / PIC and local manager in existing companies. And try to find any information related to construction work.5. Report records of visiting and information to Board of Director, and get advice from them.6. When some information arise, Japanese makes contact with client, check current situation, and visit him/her if necessary.7. Make List of customers to be visited 8. Evaluate customers about possibility of construction needs.9. Making quotation, sales report.
【What you will be offered】
-13th months Bonus
-Annual Leave
-Salary Review
-Medical check-up
-Transportation Allowance
-Social Insurance
-Medical insurance
-Laptop will be providedSales Staff (Machinery Trading/HN)ID:24202
15,000,000 VND ~ 25,000,000 VNDHanoi职业类别
Sales Corporate, Business Development
【Job Summary】We are a trading company of machinery.Now, we are looking for a new sales staff who can expand new clients.【Job Description】- Identifying and establishing new business- Organizing sales visits- Liaising with existing clients- Preparing tenders, proposals and quotations- Negotiating contracts, terms and conditions- Reviewing cost and sales performance- Writing reports and sales literature- Attending trade exhibitions, conferences and meetings- Ensuring that sales targets are met.- Other sales-related tasks as assignedReport to Japanese DirectorProduct: Machinery parts, conveyor, robot, etc.Sales for: New client (90%), Exist company (10%)
- Social/ Health Insurance according to Law
- Bonus (2 times/year) > Ave 2 months in total
- Business trip allowance
- Gas allowance
- Parking fee
- Medical check-up(Per year)
- Annual Leave (12 days / Year)
- Salary Review(once a year)