77 Jobs for Southern Vietnam found
Chemical safety management staff(Dong Nai)ID:25767
20,000,000 VND ~ 35,000,000 VNDDong Nai工作内容
【Job summary】We are a Vietnamese subsidiary of a Japanese chemical manufacturer.In order to establish a safety management system based on Vietnamese domestic chemical laws and regulations, we are looking for a Vietnamese “Chemicals Safety Manager” who meets the formal qualification requirements.This position will be responsible for safety management operations under the guidance of the Japanese department head reporting directly to the President.After the position becomes stable, you may be involved in product development in a phased manner.【Job description】[Main duties (90%): Chemicals Safety Management Officer (Vietnam Chemicals Law)- Establishment and operation of a safety management system based on Vietnam's chemicals laws and regulations- Support for risk assessment of raw materials, products and waste, and implementation of management measures-Support for administrative support (including contact work to negotiate with lawyers, such as requests for preparation of notification documents to administrative agencies).- Education, guidance, and information sharing within the company (manufacturing, quality, and technical divisions)- Preparation, updating, and management of safety-related documents such as SDS and GHS labels[Sub-work (10%): Commercialization support (with future expansion)- Support for recording and documenting trial production and evaluation data- Experimental work related to product development (depending on the situation)- Collaboration with the manufacturing department and support for mass production- Provide technical support to customers when necessary.- The other tasks assigned by the Japanese Manager.[Attractive point]- You can grow up with rapidly growing upped environment.- You can improve language skills.
- Social Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Tet bonus
- Salary raise up
* The other will be explained in the interview.Maintenance StaffID:25627
-Dong Nai工作内容
【Job Summary】- Responsible for activities of maintenance department【Main responsibilities】- Create AutoCAD drawings for coal and jigs and manage technical drawings.- Design jigs/mold tools.- Repair, maintain, and conduct periodic & major maintenance of machinery.- Perform tasks as directed by supervisors.【Company/Job Attraction】- Full benefit package- Bonus two times per year- Opportunities for promotion and income improvement for competent, enthusiastic, and long-term people
- Social/ Health Insurance according to Law
- Bonus/ Salary review 2 times per year
- 13-month salary
- Other allowances/benefits follow company policiesQA/QC LeaderID:25184
13,000,000 VND ~ 20,000,000 VNDBinh Duong工作内容
【Job Summary】- Responsible for managing QA/QC 【Job description】(details)- Processing quality information, requests from customers and then deploying with related departments to Process- Synthesize, prepare reports to send to customers on time- Present reports, investigation results at internal and external meetings- Prepare reports, respond when customers come to audit the factory- Go on business trips abroad to work with customers- Control progress of handling customer requests and complaints【Company/Job Attraction】- Work in an international, dynamic and friendly environment- Full benefits package- The opportunity to work in a large corporation, nice background for future career path
- 13th-month bonus (depend on company's business situation)
- Health insurance
- Social insurance
- Health checkQA Chief Instructor (N2/Amata IP/Manufacturing)ID:25745
25,000,000 VND ~ 33,000,000 VNDDong Nai工作内容
One of our clients is now looking for a Chief QC Instructor.【Job detail】‐ Establish and monitor quality control processes in line with company policies and client requirements.- Analyze quality data, identify trends, and implement corrective actions to minimize defects and maintain product standards.- Collaborate with production teams to address and resolve quality issues promptly.- Coordinate with production departments to maintain product quality throughout the production cycle.- Develop quality assurance protocols and work closely with production supervisors to implement improvements.- Manage resources effectively to ensure quality objectives are met within set timelines and budgets.- Prepare and present detailed reports on quality control metrics, including trends, root causes, and corrective actions.- Maintain accurate documentation and records for all quality control activities, audits, and production improvements.- Mentor and train QC team members, building a high-performance team dedicated to quality standards.■Company/Job Attraction- You can utilize your language and technical language!!- Top share in domestic textile processing chemicals for Japan.- This company is one of the big listed companies in Japan, so the working conditions are very good.
- 13th months bonus
- Bonus (Twice a year)
- Salary increasing
- Social InsuranceExecutive Secretary to Production Director ID:25726
18,000,000 VND ~ 20,000,000 VNDBinh Duong工作内容
【Job Summary】- Responsible as a Secretary Executive.【Job description (details)】- Arrange schedules, assist with meetings, and summarize meeting content for the Director.- Convey opinions and directives from the Director to relevant individuals, departments, or divisions. Monitor and verify the implementation of conveyed instructions.- Perform tasks as directly assigned by the Director and provide regular reports.【Company/Job Attraction】- A wholly owned subsidiary of a Japanese big company (listed company in Japan)- They are expanding their business in Vietnam as a new production base- The complex factory that handles the production of various products
- Annual company trips.
- Exclusive internal product purchase policy for Sharp employees with special discounts.
- Allowances: Foreign language proficiency (English & Japanese), housing, transportation, and travel expenses.
- Holiday gifts (Lunar New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc.).
- Shuttle bus service from Bien Hoa, Ho Chi Minh City, and Binh Duong to the factory.
- Health insurance and 24/7 accident insurance.Sales Staff (Water Treatment)ID:25732
20,000,000 VND ~ 25,000,000 VNDBinh Duong工作内容
<Job sammary>- You will be in charge of Sales(Water treatment/Binh Duong)<Detail>- Sales for new customer deveropment in Vietnam(Conduct sales activities to propose our wastewater treatment and pure water systems to factories located in industrial parks.)- Explain and proposal install parts to make a final product, and seles parts- Get customer, you instract the company's design department for production.- Other task will be assinged by manager.<Attractive points>- We are the group of the big Japanese company. You can work at international company.- You can use experience of sales any parts for plant.- You can go direct client from home and back direct home from client.( You must go office once or twice a week) - Our working environment is nice. People are friendly and managers are very professional.
- 13 month bonus
- Raise salary once a year
- Social insuranceAssistant Staff (Dong Nai/N2)ID:25733
12,000,000 VND ~ 15,000,000 VNDDong Nai工作内容
<Responsible>Responsibility for Assistant staff.<Products>Materials for making electric carpet, flooring, electric blanket <Detail>- Assisting the team in charge of the mass production of products and the team that manages the facilities.- Assisting the supervisor- Interpreting and translating as directed by the supervisor.- Other task assigned by Manager<Attractive points>You can take advantage of your interpreting experience.You can work No1 share in Japanese at household electric heating equipment.The client is expanding its manufacturing base in Vietnam, so you can work at a company that is growing.
- Bonus (13 months salary)
- Annual Leave
- Social insurance
- Medical insurance
- Salary review (once a year)【日系/大手家具メーカー】IT部門アシスタントマネージャー(ブンタウ勤務 / 好待遇案件) ID:25731
2,000 USD ~ 2,500 USDBa Ria - Vung Tau工作内容
【求人概要】日系大手家具メーカーの生産をに担うベトナム工場での募集です。IT部門のマネージャーとして、ブンタウ工場全体の社内SEおよびIT部門のマネジメントをお任せいたします。【業務内容】■情報セキュリティ部⾨と連携しながらのセキュリティ対策の強化・運⽤管理 ・インシデント対応(影響分析、調査対応、再発防⽌策、実⾏⽀援) ・システムの維持管理、促進 ・検証、評価、実装 ・脆弱性や社内におけるセキュリティ問題のテクニカルな診断、分析、テスト ・インフラ環境の構築 ・システムの維持管理、エンハンス(Email, Web ゲートウェイ, EDR, DLP など) ・ソリューションの導⼊(ID 管理、⽣体認証、特権管理など)■社内の IT インフラ導⼊・管理 ・基幹系/EC 系インフラの導⼊・運⽤管理 ・ネットワーク系インフラの導⼊/運⽤管理■従業員教育・社内教育 ・情報セキュリティポリシー、ルール、ガイドラインの策定・運⽤と、従業員への浸透 ・ベトナム⼈ IT スタッフの教育及びマネジメント 【会社/求人の魅力】・責任感のあるポジションで裁量権を持ってご勤務いただくことが可能です。・部署を横断し大きなプロジェクトを動かしていただくお仕事です。・誰もが知る日系大手家具メーカーで充実した福利厚生の環境で働くことが出来ます。・年々海外での業績比率を上げており、今後も海外展開を伸ばしていく予定です。・英語が得意な方は英語力を活かして働くことも可能です。。
■年間休日98⽇(2025 年実績):毎年1⽉1⽇時点の在籍者には下記とは別に⾃由に取得できる調整休暇6⽇間を付与します。
■帰国費負担 1回/年(入社1年後から付与/ 居所までのエコノミークラス往復航空券及び国内交通費実費)
■賞与(2回/ 年)
・ブンタウ市内の会社契約アパートを 1 室⽤意します。(1 ベッドルームで約 40 ㎡)
・光熱費、⽇本 TV 視聴代、Wifi 通信費は会社が負担します。
4,000 VND ~ 5,000 VNDDong Nai工作内容
2,000 USD ~ 3,000 USDBinh Duong工作内容
【求人概要】品質保証部門責任者を募集しております。【業務内容】具体的に下記工程において現場で指導、進捗確認頂きます。・品質保証基準の妥当性の評価 ・品質・検査システムの実施と効率性の検証・是正措置、予防措置の策定・リスクマネジメント活動・プロセスにおける品質管理・品質検査・顧客クレームへの対応・QA文書の作成・ISO監査 ・ISOシステムマネジメント・監査対応・新規顧客からの監査対応・その他関連する業務【会社/求人の魅力】・責任感のあるポジションで裁量権を持ってご勤務いただくことが可能です。・語学不問で応募可能です。