Supply Chain Environmental Management (Dist 1) ID:25180

30,000,000 VND ~ 40,000,000 VNDDist 13ヶ月以上前


  • 給与

    30,000,000 VND ~ 40,000,000 VND

  • 業界


  • 仕事内容

    【Job Summary】
    Responsible for environmental management in our supply chain from raw material procurement to production in factory, lead project and implement to our suppliers globally. Achieve the world's most environmentally responsible and transparent supply chain

    【Job description(details)】
    1.Climate change
    - To achieve their reduction target by 2030
    - Together with Production dept, they will verify progress in reduction plans at our suppliers and assist with related initiatives.
    - Promote coal phase out and use of renewable energy in factories.
    - Work with external organizations.
    2.Factory Environmental Evaluation
    - Responsible for introducing environmental management Higg FEM project (Higg Facility Environmental Module) to our suppliers to ensure their minimum requirement and improve factory performance
    - Responsible for chemical management at factories and ensure wastewater test result
    - Responsible for waste management at factories by implementing waste management guideline
    - Responsible for water reduction at factories by following their target 10% per unit by 2025
    - They establish traceability management system in our supply chains
    - Together with Production dept and third party, they visit Spinning mills and grasp traceability management system and improve together

    【Company/Job Attraction】
    - As they focus on Vietnam market in stead of China, they are planning to expand their business in Vietnam
    - You can work one of the most famous Japanese apparel company with using English, Japanese and Chinese
    - Always work while pursuing both business and sustainability


  • 応募条件

    - Bachelor degree major in related to environment (Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management)
    - At least 5 years in the Sustainability Environment Field (Climate change, Factory Evaluation HIGG & Traceability)
    - Experience in the industry related to Apparel Brand/Manufactures, Environmental Topics
    - Willing to have business trip (2-3 days trip, Vietnam: 2 times per month, Overseas: 2-3 times per year)
    - English: Upper-Intermediate level
    - Basic computer skills (e.g. MS Office)

  • 英語

    Upper-Intermediate Level

  • その他言語



  • 福利厚生

    - Performance Bonus (twice per year), 13th month salary
    - 24/24 Premium Insurance (In Vietnam) & Business travel insurance
    - Health, social & unemployment insurance (following Government regulation)
    - Transportation & Parking allowance
    - Company phone & laptop
    - Training & Business trips
    - Foreign Language Support Program
    - Team Building Activities

  • 就業時間

    8:00 ~ 17:00

  • 休日

    - Saturday
    - Sunday
    - National holiday

  • 職種